What People Are Saying About This Multi-Purpose Treatment. If you’ve been looking for a pain-free alternative for restoring the youthful appearance of your skin, continue reading to learn more! Founded in 2007, EndyMed medical is quickly becoming the leading provider of advanced, energy-based treatment systems that are able to painlessly contour the body as well as reduce signs of aging such as wrinkles, cellulite, and sagging skin. The treatments produced by EndyMed are highly effective, safe, and non-invasive.
EndyMed Technology
EndyMed’s 3Deep technology utilizes controlled radio frequency (RF) pulses to penetrate deep within the epidermis (the outermost layer of skin on the body) and deliver focused heat that boosts collagen production and elastin, leading to tighter, smoother skin. Collagen is a protein that acts as the underlying structural foundation for your skin. When this protein is heated, it causes it to contract and lift while also spurring the production of new collagen, which will help make skin firmer, reduce wrinkles, and smooth out cellulite.
The method of using radio frequency for cosmetic treatment of the skin is not a new concept; however, EndyMed’s 3Deep technology uses advanced software that controls the strength and depth of radio frequency pulses passing between the electrodes that deliver this energy to the surface of the skin. In the past, other forms of Rf treatment were not as efficient at pinpointing the exact amount of radio frequency energy needed to achieve successful results.
This lack of efficiency caused RF treatments to be painful and require a considerable amount of recovery time following a session. However, using EndyMed Medical’s 3Deep technology, we are now able to penetrate deeply into the skin without causing harm to the epidermis, meaning you can now painlessly receive effective, long-term results with zero downtime.
There are four different EndyMed devices and four handpieces currently used for these treatments. Each device and handpiece are specially designed to treat specific issues on specific areas of the body, though some devices, such as EndyMed Pro, are designed to work with all handpieces.
The handpiece and device used for your EndyMed treatment will depend on the purpose of your treatment, the size of the treatment location, and your skin type. Once all these factors have been taken into account, the proper machine and handpiece will be selected in order for you to receive optimal results.
EndyMed Reviews
There are hundreds of reviews available online singing EndyMed’s praises. Below is just a small sample of what some people are saying about this incredible treatment!
In addition to the many other benefits, EndyMed can provide, it is also frequently used to reduce the appearance of cellulite on various parts of the body and slim up sagging curves. Here’s what one user said about their EndyMed skin tightening treatment:
“Eight non-invasive, pain-free treatments of TriPolar and EndyMed 3 Deep resulted in significant improvement of cellulite appearance to my thigh and buttocks and I enjoy the bonus inches I lost. A month following my last cellulite treatment, my thighs are measuring 3 inches smaller and my hips are down a total of 6 inches… what a difference in my favorite old jeans!”
Many users of EndyMed report fast results with little to no discomfort, describing the feeling of post-treatment as a minor sunburn that can be remedied using cooling gel. Here’s another satisfied customer’s opinion about the treatment:
“I had the endymed three deep intensif for undereye and neck lines. The procedure was quick and painless. It’s only been two weeks and I already see improvement.”
Depending on the reasoning for treatment or the severity of the issues being treated, EndyMed can take several sessions at times to provide optimal results. The spacing between treatments can also vary. This is what one user had to say about the treatment process and results:
“The skin tightening is very effective, but you do have to commit to weekly treatments for a short period to see results! Absolutely worth it. I would recommend this to anyone who is looking to really improve the appearance of their skin.”
While aging skin is an inevitable part of everyone’s lives, there is no reason to allow growing older to take away our beauty, self-esteem, and happiness. Thanks to EndyMed, many are restoring the youth they felt was lost forever. Below is another example of how EndyMed can improve overall beauty and confidence in oneself:
“Open pores, acne scars, freckles, melasma, jowls just beginning to form. Turning 40 suddenly gave me a face I didn’t want to look at in the mirror. One session of Endymed later, I’m so thrilled with my smoother clearer skin. My face looks tighter too. I can’t wait to do my next session.”
EndyMed is also a treatment commonly used for breaking up the scarring that occurs from acne. Severe acne can result in crater-like patterns forming on the skin. With EndyMed, these solid patterns are broken up through the use of radiofrequency pulses, leading to a substantial reduction in the scar’s visibility. One user that underwent EndyMed Intensif treatments for his scarring had this to say:
“The results have been pretty dramatic, in my opinion. Though my acne scars have not completely vanished after just three treatments, they are noticeably reduced. I used to see two huge craters in my face, and now I see a shallow depression there, which gives me hope that if I keep up with another round of treatments, I’ll be in a really good place.”
With so many success stories, it’s not hard to see why EndyMed is rapidly becoming one of the most popular non-surgical skin tightening and anti-aging treatments available in the world of cosmetics. If you’re looking for a safer, cheaper way to tighten up those curves, kick those wrinkles to the curb, or ditch some old acne scars – give EndyMed a try!
Does Radiofrequency Skin Tightening Work
Radiofrequency has been found to be an effective implementation in a number of skin-tightening treatments used today. The pulses of RF energy delivered to the skin help to stimulate collagen production and elastin by heating tissue. In combination with treatments like Microneedling, also referred to as skin needling, it has been shown to enhance results.
Additionally, the use of radiofrequency energy has also been deemed a far safer alternative to plastic surgery or other cosmetic procedures used for similar purposes. However, it is important to remember that any treatment, non-surgical or otherwise, should always be performed by a professional in a sterilized environment equipped to provide such treatments.
So, does the treatment work? Yes, though results will always vary from case-to-case. Radiofrequency can definitely help tighten skin, but the degree of tightening that will be seen with any radiofrequency treatment will depend on the severity of skin sagging. To find out if radiofrequency skin tightening treatments are right for you, consult one of our experts at Sepi Spa and let us help you determine the proper treatment for your skin.
- https://www.highya.com/endymed-reviews
- http://www.endymed.com/3DEEP
- https://www.realself.com/review/canton-dr-hartmans-office-offers-successful-cellulite-treatments?offset=1&sle=0
- https://www.realself.com/review/boston-shivananjappa-endymed-intensif-botox-filler-necklace-lines-neck?offset=10&sle=0
- https://www.realself.com/review/shanthalamd-endymed-3deep-skin-tightening?offset=12&sle=0
- https://www.realself.com/review/new-delhi-endymed-3deep-love-results-intensif-works?offset=16&sle=0
- https://www.xojane.com/beauty/skin/endymed-intensif-review-micro-needling-procedure
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_frequency_skin_tightening
- https://www.bostonplastic.com/endymed-3-deep/